How to Choose the Perfect Large Rugs for Your Home

How to Choose the Perfect Large Rugs for Your Home

How to Choose the Perfect Large Rugs for Your Home


When it comes to transforming a space, few elements have the impact of a well-chosen large rug. Not only do rugs add warmth and texture, but they also serve as the foundation for any interior design scheme. For those in the Scottsdale, AZ area, finding the perfect rug to complement your home’s aesthetic is as simple as visiting Organic Looms, the premier rug store offering a curated selection of beautiful, high-quality options.


Understanding the Role of Large Rugs in Home Decor

Large rugs play a pivotal role in interior design. They anchor furniture, define spaces within open floor plans, and can even influence the room's color palette and style direction. Beyond aesthetics, large rugs offer practical benefits, such as noise reduction and warmth underfoot.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Large Rug

When selecting a large rug for your home, consider the following factors to ensure you make the perfect choice:

1. Size and Placement

The size of the rug is crucial in achieving the desired effect in a room. A common mistake is choosing a rug that's too small, which can make the space feel disjointed. Ideally, a large rug should accommodate all or most of your furniture, helping to create a cohesive look. In the dining room, for example, make sure the rug is large enough for chairs to remain on the rug even when pulled out.

2. Material

The material of your rug affects both its appearance and functionality. Wool rugs are durable and easy to clean, making them ideal for high-traffic areas. Meanwhile, silk and viscose rugs offer a lustrous sheen perfect for adding a touch of elegance to formal spaces. Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon provide resilience and affordability, suitable for families and pet owners.

3. Style and Color

Your rug's style should complement the overall design aesthetic of your home. Whether you’re drawn to traditional, modern, or eclectic styles, the rug should harmonize with your existing decor. Color plays a significant role in setting the mood of a room. Neutral rugs can serve as a subtle foundation, while bold patterns and hues can make a statement and add vibrancy.

4. Comfort and Maintenance

Consider the rug's pile and texture for comfort underfoot, especially in areas where you spend a lot of time sitting or walking barefoot. Maintenance is another important factor; some materials and weaves are easier to clean and more resistant to wear and tear than others.

The Importance of Quality and Craftsmanship

Investing in a high-quality rug from a reputable rug store like Organic Looms in Scottsdale, AZ, ensures that you receive a piece that not only looks stunning but is also crafted to last. Hand-knotted and hand-tufted options, for example, offer unparalleled durability and uniqueness, with each rug bearing the mark of its artisan.

Visiting Organic Looms in Scottsdale, AZ

Organic Looms stands out as a premier destination for those seeking exceptional large rugs in the Scottsdale area. With a focus on organic materials, sustainable practices, and artisanal craftsmanship, their collection ranges from contemporary designs to timeless classics, ensuring there’s something for every taste and decor style.

Tips for Rug Shopping in Scottsdale

  • Measure Your Space: Before visiting the store, measure your room and consider different rug sizes to understand what will work best in your space.
  • Consider Your Lifestyle: Think about factors like foot traffic, pets, and children when deciding on the material and construction of your rug.
  • Bring Samples: If possible, bring fabric swatches, paint chips, or photos of your room to help visualize how the rug will fit into your existing decor.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the knowledgeable staff at Organic Looms about the origin, materials, and care instructions for any rug you’re considering.


Choosing the perfect large rug for your home involves considering factors like size, material, style, and function. By understanding these elements and seeking out quality craftsmanship, you can find a rug that not only enhances your space but also stands the test of time. For residents and decorators in Scottsdale, AZ, Organic Looms offers an unmatched selection of beautiful, high-quality rugs designed to fulfill every design vision. If you're looking for a rug store in Scottsdale AZ, contact Organic Looms today for more information, or visit them today to discover the perfect foundation for your home’s decor.

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